
2020年12月11日—Evenifyouhaven'tthoughtofitthisway,you'llnoteastabofrecognitionatthishypothesis:“Yoink”istheoppositeof“Yeet.”.,Yeet&Yoinkarethebestoffriends.Buuuut…they'reprettydifferent.Yeetiskindaloud.Yoinkpreferssomequiet.Yeetjustdoesthingswithout ...,2018年10月3日—So,myfriendsaysyeetiswhenyouthrowsomething,andyoinkiswhenyousnatchsomething.Inmyopinion,yoinkcanalsomeanthrowing ...,awordus...

Is 'Yoink' the Opposite of 'Yeet'? An Investigation

2020年12月11日 — Even if you haven't thought of it this way, you'll note a stab of recognition at this hypothesis: “Yoink” is the opposite of “Yeet.”.

Yeet & Yoink

Yeet & Yoink are the best of friends. Buuuut … they're pretty different. Yeet is kinda loud. Yoink prefers some quiet. Yeet just does things without ...

Yeet vs Yoink

2018年10月3日 — So, my friend says yeet is when you throw something, and yoink is when you snatch something. In my opinion, yoink can also mean throwing ...

yeet yoink

a word used to show confusion and or anger.

Yeet, Yoink, and the Evolution of Everyday Meme Language

2023年10月26日 — A phot of a house of cards, close up. Represents the idea of collapse.


A service to which you can yeet your files in order to yoink them from somewhere else. This is meant to simplify cluster-local file sharing with ...

yeetyoink — A file storage and retrieval service

2024年5月16日 — A service to which you can yeet your files in order to yoink them from somewhere else. This is meant to simplify cluster-local file sharing with ...

Yoink and Yeet

103.5M posts. Discover videos related to Yoink and Yeet on TikTok. See more videos about Yoink, Yoink Ford, John Pork and Oink, Oink and Green, Kitink, ...